> [!sub]- [[šŸ“ŒSubscribe & Engage|šŸ§”FREE subscriber-only Products. Subscribe and get a chance to win!]] [[HAOS]] can be installed as a [[VM]] or [[BM]]. This guide details the [[BM]] method. The method described below works on airgapped systems. ## Prerequisites Our target system (will name it [[HAOS]]-server), where [[HAOS]] will be installed, should support: - Hardware: 1. [[x86-64]] CPU architecture 2. <b style="color:#ffff00">>= 1 CPU</b> 3. <b style="color:#ffff00">>= 2GB RAM</b> 4. <b style="color:#ffff00">>= 32GB SSD</b> (eMMC, AHCI/SATA or NVMe SSD - **DO NOT** use SD cards: slow and unreliable) - BIOS settings: 1. **Boot** from [[UEFI]]: <code style="color:#ffff00">ENABLE</code> 2. **Secure Boot**: <code style="color:#ffff00">DISABLE</code> We also need the following hardware: - <b style="color:#ffff00">Windows 10 PC</b> connected to the Internet - <b style="color:#ffff00">>= 16GB USB Flash Drive</b> (USB2 or better) - [[Ventoy - Install]] + [[Ubuntu]] $VUdisk$ - <b style="color:#ffff00">>= 16GB USB Flash Drive</b> (USB2 or better) - [[Etcher]] + [[HAOS]] $EHdisk$ Other CPU architectures are possible, however my focus is [[x86-64]] at the moment. ## Preparation - Download [[SW]] On Windows 10 PC download the following software: 1. [[Ventoy - Install]] 2. [[Ubuntu]] 3. [[Etcher]] 4. [[HAOS]] 5. [[7-Zip]] ### Ventoy If you have never used [[Ventoy]], visit [[Ventoy - Install]] to create a bootable [[Ventoy]] USB flash drive; will name it $VUdisk$. ### Ubuntu Download ***Ubuntu Desktop*** from https://ubuntu.com/#download ![[haos-bm-0-4.png]] ### Etcher Download latest `balena-etcher__.__.__amd64.deb` file from https://github.com/balena-io/etcher/releases ![[haos-bm-0-5.png]] ### HAOS Download latest `haos_generic-x86-64-__.__.img.xz` file from https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/releases ![[haos-bm-0-6.png]] Uncompress `haos_generic-x86-64-__.__.img.xz`. For this [[7-Zip]] will be used. Install if not installed. ### 7-Zip Download latest `x64` version from https://www.7-zip.org ![[haos-bm-0-7.png]] <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Install</button> [[7-Zip]] ![[haos-bm-0-8.png]] ## Preparation - Copy [[SW]] [[Ventoy]] and [[7-Zip]] will remain on the [[Windows]] 10 [[PC]] and the rest of the [[SW]] will be copied to both $VUdisk$ and $EHdisk$. ![[haos-bm-1-0.png]] Uncompress `haos_generic-x86-64-__.__.img.xz`. Right click and <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">7-Zip</button> <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Extract Here</button> ![[haos-bm-1-1.png]] Delete the `XZ File` and copy the following files to both $VUdisk$ and $EHdisk$. - `balena-etcher__.__.__amd64.deb` - `haos_generic-x86-64-__.__.img` - `ubuntu-__.__.__-desktop-amd64.iso` ![[haos-bm-1-2.png]] ## Install [[HAOS]] Boot the [[HAOS]]-server from $VUdisk$. <b style="color:#ff4400; font-size: 18px;">During the HAOS-server installation process the system can be air-gapped, meaning it does not have to be connected to the network!</b> ### Install [[Ubuntu]] <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso</button> ![[haos-bm-2-0.png]] <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Boot in normal mode</button> ![[haos-bm-2-1.png]] <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Try or Install Ubuntu</button> ![[haos-bm-2-2.png]] <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Try Ubuntu</button> ![[haos-bm-2-3.png]] The Ubuntu desktop comes up. ![[haos-bm-2-4.png]] ### Delete Partitions This step is only required if the [[HAOS]]-server boot disk is an older partitioned drive. In this case we need to delete all partitions so that [[HAOS]] can utilise the entire disk. <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Show Applications</button> <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Utilities</button> ![[haos-bm-3-0.png]] <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Disks</button> ![[haos-bm-3-1.png]] Select the disk you want to clean and then delete all partitions one at a time. Once all partitions deleted you might be asked to reboot the system for the changes to take effect. Reboot, if asked, and go through the above process (Ubuntu trial), skipping this section (delete partitions). ![[haos-bm-3-2.png]] ### Install [[Etcher]] Open the <b style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Home</b> folder ![[haos-bm-4-0.png]] Insert $EHdisk$ into the [[HAOS]]-server. DO NOT remove $VUdisk$. Open $EHdisk$ <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Open with Files</button> ![[haos-bm-4-1.png]] From $EHdisk$, copy the [[Etcher]] file `balena-etcher_1.18.4_amd64.deb` into the <b style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Home</b> folder. ![[haos-bm-4-2.png]] Open <b style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Terminal</b>: <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Show Applications</button> <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Terminal</button> ![[haos-bm-4-3.png]] Install [[Etcher]] using the following command: <pre><code class="g-code">sudo dpkg -i balena-etcher_1.18.4_amd64.deb</code></pre> Safely disregard the errors... ![[haos-bm-4-4.png]] Open [[Etcher]]: <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Show Applications</button> <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">balenaEtcher</button> ![[haos-bm-4-5.png]] <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Flash from File</button> ![[haos-bm-5-0.png]] Select <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">EHdisk</button> <b style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">haos_generic-x86-64-9.5.img</b> <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Open</button> ![[haos-bm-5-1.png]] <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Select Target</button> ![[haos-bm-5-2.png]] In case you cannot see the target drive, where [[HAOS]] should be installed, expand any hidden drives. ![[haos-bm-5-3.png]] Select the target drive. ![[haos-bm-5-4.png]] <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Flash!</button> ![[haos-bm-5-5.png]] <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Yes, I'm Sure</button> ![[haos-bm-5-6.png]] Flashing starts. At this stage the prompt is different depending on network status. #### Network Connected ![[haos-bm-5-7-0.png]] Flash complete, close [[Etcher]]. ![[haos-bm-5-7-1.png]] #### Network Disconnected (air-gapped server) ![[haos-bm-5-8-0.png]] Flash complete, close [[Etcher]]. ![[haos-bm-5-8-1.png]] <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Power Off...</button> or <button style="color:#1e90ff; font-size: 18px;">Restart...</button> ![[haos-bm-5-9-0.png]] Detach all USB flash drives, then ENTER ![[haos-bm-5-9-1.png]] [[HAOS]] is now installed. Use the [[webUI]] to setup [[HAOS]]. Follow [[4. HAOS - Setup]]